Meet Savanna Giraffe

Did you know?

Giraffes like Savanna are herbivores, which means they eat only plants

With an average height of 5meters, giraffes are the tallest land animal in the world

Giraffes live in savannas throughout Africa. Their extreme height allows them to eat leaves and shoots located much higher than other animal

To assemble body, remove five pre-cut cardboard holes and crease cardboard along predefined lines (red lines inwards, blue lines outwards).

Fold sides inwards ensuring the tail remains pointing outwards.

Fold top backwards, tuck in side flaps while folding.

Fold remaining  flap backwards. Feed tail through hole and fasten in the tabs securely.

To assemble head, remove five pre-cut cardboard holes. Crease cardboard along predefined line.

Fold sides inwards ensuring ears remain on the outside.

Fold top backwards, tuck in side flaps and fasten in tabs securely.

Tuck nose in and under fasten in the two side tabs securely.

Bring two parts together and attach. Move head towards base and fasten the three tabs in securely.

Add horns to complete Savanna.

Now decorate and play. And don’t forget to upload photos of your decorated Ellie to social media and tag #Cardimals.